Terms and Disclaimers

This Disclaimer will be read to anyone attending a Deep Trance Healing session. It must be agreed to prior to commencement of any session.

It is understood that Jeremy Cobb is a Medium and not a medical Doctor. As such he can neither diagnose nor in any way replace any conventional medical treatment that you may be undergoing at the moment. Therefore no patient should ask for or expect any form of diagnosis, change any medication or courses of treatment as directed by their doctor as a result of any session undertaken with Jeremy. Should you benefit from these sessions then it is understood that your doctor is the only qualified person who can agree to change or cease any existing treaments, not you and not Jeremy.

This appointment is a form of experiment; no claims are made and results cannot be guaranteed. The medium is not here to diagnose but to try to access a healing power on the patient’s behalf. He can only transfer what is received through his own spiritual connection.

If it becomes clear within the first ten minutes of the appointment that either party is unhappy with the proceedings, then either the medium or patient may terminate the appointment and the full fee will be refunded. No travel costs or other subsequential costs will however be reimbursed. After this point the patient is deemed to accept that the appointment is satisfactory.

The patient may see, hear or sense things which they may not have experienced before; if they feel they may be vulnerable they should leave now and again the full fee only will be refunded.

The patient certifies that he/she is not aware of any medical or psychiatric condition which might affect his/her interpretation of the proceedings and that he/she is voluntarily seeking these services for him/herself and assumes full responsibility for the outcome.

Agreement to these as terms of your appointment are necessary and I will ask you to sign a form to that effect. Anyone who is unhappy with these should not book a session with me. Other than the above conditions anyone cancelling an appointment within 24 hours of a prebooked sessions start time or who fails to attend will be subject to a 100% cancellation fee. If you wish to know more about the session itself then please see my participation statement.